Children's Ministry Celebration

March 1st, Fargo, ND

Join us for a special gathering to honor and encourage children's ministry leaders and volunteers across the Fargo region. Featuring Jamie Statema of Go Fish, this event will celebrate your vital role in shaping the next generation, while connecting you to the Gospel movement spreading throughout North Dakota. Together, we can make a lasting impact for Jesus.

Register by February 26

Registration opening soon

Catch The Vision

Your work as a children’s ministry leader will have an eternal impact. Every lesson, every moment of care, and every effort to nurture a child's faith is part of a greater mission to share the Gospel and shape the future of our state. This event is our way of saying "thank you" and reminding you of the important role you play in God's Kingdom.

In partnership with churches across North Dakota, we are on a mission to ignite a Gospel movement across every corner of our state. Together, we can reach children, families, and communities with the love and hope of Jesus.

This event is an opportunity to connect with others who share your passion, be inspired by stories of impact, and discover how you can be a part of the larger vision.


Pulse North Dakota Kids

May 3, 2025

Join us for a morning of worship, fun, and Gospel-centered activities! Kids will sing along with Go Fish and engage in interactive games designed to make the Gospel come alive in exciting and meaningful ways.

So, join us on March 1 to see how your work is part of the bigger story God is writing across North Dakota!

Event Details

March 1

Hope Lutheran Church, 3636 25th St S, Fargo, ND

Free Continental Breakfast

Catch the Vision

Dates: Jan 27-Feb 11

Join a free Zoom call to discover how you can be part of a movement to bring the hope and grace of Jesus to every zip code in our state.