Pulse North Dakota

Days of Grace

Saturating Communities with the Grace of Jesus

Days of Grace is an outreach mobilization bringing together churches, Christian organizations, and Christian-led businesses to share the Gospel and extend the hope of Jesus across North Dakota.

Inspired by Acts 1:8, we follow the biblical model of saturation and expansion: starting locally, reaching nearby areas, and extending to the ends of the earth. This vision creates an opportunity for outreach throughout the summer of 2025, and culminates in a statewide gathering at the State Capitol Grounds on Saturday, August 30.

To make this outreach successful, churches can adopt their zip codes, committing to work together to reach their communities. These efforts will reflect the unified Body of Christ, sharing His message of hope and grace with everyone.

What Is Zip Code Saturation?

Zip code saturation is about reaching as many people as possible within a defined area, meeting them where they are, and sharing the Gospel in meaningful ways. Inspired by Acts 1:8, this approach engages people:

Locally (Jerusalem)

Your neighbors, family, and friends.

Nearby (Judea)

Communities like your own.

Socially distant (Samaria)

Those who may feel excluded or overlooked.

Globally (the ends of the earth)

The unseen and unknown in our communities.

This outreach effort brings a manageable sense of ownership to each community, empowering churches to reflect the love and unity of Jesus through practical, contextual engagement.

What Could This Look Like?

Each zip code’s outreach will look unique based on local needs and resources. Here are some examples:

Neighborhood prayer walks

Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) or apartment-based mini VBS programs

Book, backpack, or clothing giveaways

Outreach to seniors, children, or care communities

Public worship nights in parks

Prayer stations on walking paths

Classes for struggling families

Collaborations with schools, first responders, or local governance centers

Whether simple or ambitious, each effort unites the church to bring Jesus’ grace into every corner of the community.

How You Can Get Involved

Adopt Your Zip Code

Commit to working with others in your area to reach your community.

Register for a Free Zoom Meeting

Join a regional meeting in January for prayer, updates, and resources.

Volunteer as a Connector

Ministry Connector

Organize local churches for collaboration.

Prayer Connector

Encourage and mobilize prayer for your community.


Outreach Event: Summer 2025

Statewide Gathering at the Capitol: Saturday, August 30

What Does It Cost?

Participation in Days of Grace is free. Costs related to specific outreach efforts will be determined by local collaborations.

Let’s Bring Jesus’ Grace to Every Zip Code

It is through unified, mobilized churches that the vision of providing “everyone a touchpoint with the Gospel” will be accomplished.

Catch the Vision

Dates: Jan 27-Feb 11

Join a free Zoom call to discover how you can be part of a movement to bring the hope and grace of Jesus to every zip code in our state.